AcuLife Offers Natural Breakthrough Pain Relief for Horses!!!!

Sorrel stallionAcuLife Offers Breakthrough Pain Relief for Horses

Polo is a physically demanding sport for riders and horses alike, especially at the professional level. One California-based company offers a unique and powerful solution for alleviating pain in horses.

Headquartered in San Diego, LifeWave is a health technology firm that has developed a patented, non-transdermal patch technology. One such patch is called AcuLife, and provides safe and natural pain relief for horses.

How exactly does it work? Much like humans, horses have various pressure points throughout their bodies. AcuLife gently stimulates these points on the skin, improving the body’s energy flow to naturally relieve aches and pains. It’s also important to note that no drugs, stimulants, magnets or needles are used or enter the body during this process. And no prescription is necessary.

A summary of AcuLife’s primary benefits:

• Safe & Natural Pain Relief
• Fast Results
• Reduces Infl¬ammation
• Can Be Used for Whole Body or Localized Pain
• Very Affordable on a Cost-to-Use Basis Versus other Methods of Pain Management
• Convenient and Easy to Use

AcuLife also has a strong reputation among noteworthy competitive riders and internationally recognized animal experts. For example, eight-time World Champion and Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame inductee, Roy Cooper, is a big supporter. “I like having a drug-free tool in my tool box to keep my horses and clients’ horses pain-free and running their best,” says Cooper. “AcuLife is easy to use and works fast.”

Linda Tellington-Jones, horsewoman, author and creator of TTouch, is likewise a passionate endorser. “I train and provide consultation for problem horses with Tellington TTouch Training on fi¬ve continents,” Jones says. “LifeWave plays an important role for health maintenance in the lives of the animals I work with.”

Professional polo players rely on their horses to reach the pinnacle of competitive excellence, but they also care about the physical health of the animals they cherish so much. AcuLife just may be the safest, most natural way to provide the relief they need, while enabling them to perform at the highest possible level.

For more information on AcuLife, please contact A LifeWave Authorized Distributor at 561-951-3700 or CLICK HERE!.

Before Aculife


After Aculife