copamunicipalidaddepilar-8-2015-10-251GOn Thursday 22/10, the XI edition of the traditional Copa Municipalidad de Pilar was launched. Fifteen teams from 25-29 goals are participating in the tournament, in five different zones.

Five games were played on the opening day, with the following results:
Alegría Millarville 11 – Pilarchico 9 (Pool 1)
Martindale 8 – Centauros 7 (Pool 2)
Los Machitos 13 – Mindanao 10 (Pool 3)
Las Overas 9 – La Esquina8 (Pool 4)
La Mariana María Pía 12 vs La California 10 (Pool 5).

The tournament will resume on Wednesday at the AAP fields in Pilar, Buenos Aires.

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