The season at Greenwich Polo Club, New York, kicked off on Sunday June 7, with an exhibition in aid of Hole in the Wall Gang (Paul Newman’s Charity) and the presentation of the Monty Waterbury Cup.
The exhibition match had WBF and Airstream, and featured a 10-7 win for WBF. Michel Dorignac was named MVP and Hilario Ulloa´s Mezquiete took BPP honors.
This is the 14th. year of the Hole in the Wall Gang’s (Paul Newman’s Charity) at Greenwich Polo. In addtion, the event also featured Tesla Motors and Greenwich International Film Festival.
Greenwich Polo Club will have several news for the entire family during the season. Food trucks and Tesla challengue were the highlights of the day.¬e=6777&pag=0&anoB=2015