Matches Commenced Over the Weekend at Australian Club
Some of the last matches to be held at the Ellerston Polo Club have begun as the 2015 Archibald Cudmore Trophy and The Ellerston Spring Trophy will be played from Saturday 3 – Sunday 11 October. The sixteen goal Ellerston Spring Tournament sees British players Max Charlton and James Harper in action on the fields once owned by the late Kerry Packer.
On Saturday 10 October, as part of the event, Landmark Equine will be holding a one-off reduction sale of 139 polo ponies at the Ellerston base, on behalf of Mr James Packer, prior to the Finals on the Sunday. The stock will consist of a mixture of experienced polo ponies, select two and three-year-olds and 23 embryos in utero.
Though not as large as previous sales, the reduction of Ellerston’s polo ponies still marks the great change from the heyday of the Packer polo empire. After rumours abounded earlier this year regarding a possible takeover of the operation by Packer’s widow, Ros, general consensus is now that that operation is to be wound up.
Photograph: James Packer, son of Kerry Packer, whose Ellerston Polo Club is hosting tournaments this week. By ©