Eldorado Gets Underway

elBt Steve Crowder

Antelope was in the big one and won by one over silent Chris and Twin Palms in the Finals. There is a weird thing happening in my mind. I am sure 99 % of the polo people here today do not know the name Eddie Moore. He was 10-goals, 5′ 7″ and was the Champion of nearly every major polo tournament in the world several times. He was also the first one to “dick with the ball” as they say in any polo. He wanted to … he was that good and probably the biggest influence on the best player ever in my time, Gonzalo Pieres.
Well a young lad from Chile, maybe his clone Felipe Vercilano, reminds me of him. Felipe played here from 1975 to 1985. When I first saw him he was already 10 goals. He has the touch the quickness and most of all the horses and he weighs a dime. Remember the name he is called Pepe, I think, but he will be there soon I have no doubt. Polo continues this weekend at both Empire and El Dorado it should be awesome.

Eldorado Gets Underway

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