The Thai Polo Cup Argentina will host on Friday its much awaited Final Day. The final of the third edition will take place at 5pm, but the matchday will feature much more than only polo.

But, before that, many of the matches for the other 3 cups (Minuto 7, Localiza and La Martina) were played on Thursday. Also at the Thai Polo Club, at the main field, a Charity Event called “Polo Por La Vida” took place with the members of La Dolfina and with 8 patrons that are playing at the Thai Polo Cup: Harald Link (Thai Polo), Caroline Link (Thai Polo), Nicholas Kosmatos (Sealink Polo), Shyam Mehta (Mumbai), Fabio Meier (La Bien Mirada), Sebastian Schneberger (Los Nocheros), Nicky Sen (Amanara) and Rubén Burgos (Las Codornices).

Minuto 7 Cup:
11am, Third Place, Field 2: Sonny Hill 5 vs 9 Mumbai
11am, Final, Field 3: El Pegual Cabreuva 6 vs 8 SeaLink

Localiza Cup:
1pm, Third Place, Field 4: Amadeus 5 vs 4 Thai Polo
5pm, Final, Field 1: Amanara 8 vs 5 Cibao La Pampa

La Martina Cup:
12:30pm, Third Place, Field 1: Power Infrastructure 9 vs 5 Las Codornices

Friday will host an unforgettable matchday with much more than only polo and will include lots of surprises and an unique show by Malevo.

The order of play and the Schedule for Friday will be as follows:
Final La martina Cup:
12:30pm, Field 3: La Ensenada vs Los Nocheros.
Thai Polo Cup:
Third Place:
3pm, Main Field: Los Cocos vs Tigres Invernada.
5pm, Main Field: La Bien Mirada vs Power Horse
7pm: Prize Giving.
7:45pm: Show by Malevo.

The final will be streamed live on Pololine.TV.


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