weeklyreview-39-2016-4-61GThe first ever high goal season in the Caribbean, exactly in Dominican Republic, was a total success, and came to an end last weekend, with the Azimut Cup, sixth competition of the series. The season showcased six high goal tournaments, exhibitions and charity events, featuring many of the world’s top players, such as Adolfo Cambiaso, Juan Martín Nero and Nacho Novillo Astrada, among others.

Worldwide polo media took a quick notice of this new polo destination that’s here to stay. The media impact was too large – it was the first time ever that an entire high goal polo season had a complete coverage both digital-wise and audiovisual-wise, via PoloLine TV

Polo fans all over the world enjoyed the games, thanks to new technologies that combined a dynamic, entertaining and modern edition, delivering the best images in the weekly features, watched by more and more people every week. These weekly reviews included clear summaries and comments, as well as interviews with players, organisers, umpires and patrons. As a whole, it turned out to be a brand new product in terms of communication and aesthetics.

The last feature of the Weekly Review was focused on the 14-goal Caribbean Open, won by Agualinda, as well as an interview with Agualinda’s Ludo Pailloncy

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