At the Argentine polo field, in Palermo, and with the attendance of many personalities, the official launch of the seventh edition of the Nations Cup took place. The tournament will be played by the national teams of Argentina, Chile and England.
The four members of the Argentine national team (Bartolomé Castagnola (h), Juan Martin Zubía, Eduardo Novillo Astrada (h) and Joaquín Pittaluga) were present. The meeting was also attended by: Gustavo Santos, Minister of Tourism of Argentina.; Israel Ambassador to Argentina, Dorit Shavit; Canadian Ambassador to Argentina, Robert R. A. Fry; President of the Sociedad Rural Argentina, Luis Miguel Etchevehere; the President of the Argentine Chamber of Tourism, Oscar Ghezzi; the Executive Secretary of the National Institute of Tourism (Inprotur), Roberto Palais; AAP authorities.
The schedule of the tournament and the participating teams will be as follows:
Saturday, April 16th: England vs Chile (Game 1).
Wednesday, April 20th: Argentina vs looser of Game 1.
Saturday, April 23rd: Argentina vs winner of Game 1.
Argentina: Bartolomé Castagnola (h) 3, Juan M. Zubía 5, Eduardo Novillo Astrada Jr. 9 and Joaquín Pittaluga 7. Total: 24.
Chile: Max Silva 5, Felipe Vercellino 5, Jaime García Huidobro 7 and Matías Vial 6. Total: 23.
England: Mark Tomlinson 6, Charlie Hanbury 5, James Beim 7 and James Harper 6. Total: 22.¬e=8418&pag=0&anoB=2016