The official presentation of the fourteen teams competing in the II Ladies Diamond Cup took place at La Dolfina Polo Bar in Buenos Aires.
The club’s female tournament is split in two different categories: high goal (up to 16 goals) and medium goal (up to 9 goals).
The II Ladies Diamond Cup, organised by Maria Chavanne and Patricia Panzarasa, will run from November 15 – 18, and will be played as a round robin.
Zone A: Amanara – Apes Hill – UmaMotors Jack Group
Zone B: El Paso Polo Ranch – Wild Orchid – San Diego Kokis
The teams participating in the “Liga 8 Femenina” will play in either Open or Handicap categories.
The awards ceremony and after polo will be held on November 18, with gifts from Escorihuela Gascon vineyards, Ralph Lauren and Avene.
Ladies Diamond Cup teams
* Amanara: Paola Martinez 7, Clara Cassino 5, Jeanine Hugo 3, Nicky Sen 1, Total 16
* El Paso Polo Ranch : Lia Salvo 9, Sol Lopezllames 4, Milagros Sanchez 2, Andrea Ferreira 0, Total 15
* San Diego Kokis: Maria Bellande 7, Ina Lalor 6, Steph Haverhals 3, Bibiana Martinez 0, Total 16
* Apes Hill: Hazel Jackson 8, Emma Boers 2, Naomi Schroeder 2, Camila Williams 0, Total 12
* Wild Orchid: Marianela Castagnola 8, Maria Laura Gimenez 6, Raya Nsidorenko 0, Zahnna Bandurko .Total 15
* Umamotors Jack Group: Annabel Mc Naught D 6, Camila Rossi 5, Maria Ottonello 3, Malena Colombo 2, Total 16
Liga 8 Femenina teams
* Mapa Wines: Veronica Urtubey 0, Isabel Pochelu 3, Stephanie Haverhals 3, Rebecca Walters 2, Total 8
* La Estela Polo Club: Maria Ottonello 3, Candelaria Peñaloza 1, Camila Aprile 1, Julia Leiggener 1, Total 6
* Las Diosas Del Polo: Cande Fernandez Llorente 3, Vero Guerrero 3, Cornelia Haufelle 1, Katherine Courreges 1, Total 8
* La Vete: Veronica Magnasco 4, Maria Chavanne 3, Veronica Posse 1, Juana Zucchi 0, Total 8
* La Dolfina : Alexia Laprida 3, Mia Cambiaso 2, Mia Novillo Astrada 2, Catalina Ayerza 1, Total 8
* Area 60 Miguel Acuña: Iara Reynoso 3, Cristina Gedge 2, Laura Gedge 2, Lorena Ojeda 1, Total 8
* La Sofia: Sofi Taylor 3, Raeann Gill 2, Emmanuele Ougier 2, Silke Olscher 1, Total 8
* Wilah: Ginevra Dorazio 3, Martina Gadea 2, Mercedes Prario 2, Guillermina Suffern 0, Total 7