After a successful and exciting high goal polo season that set standards in the Dominican Republic and Central America, Polo Challenge announces its summer season that will be celebrated on June and July.
This summer season will be formed by a series of tournaments of medium and low goal that will give new players and organizations the chance to play in the idyllic island.
The first tournament will be played in the category 8-10 goals in the Casa de Campo polo club, from 10th to 24th June. After this, there will be two tournaments of 10-12 goals and then the season closing will feature a 6-goal Amateur Championship. The participation of eight teams of local and international players is expected.
Beaches from paradise, defying golf courses, adventure tourism, restaurants, casinos, spa facilities, hotels and luxury villas are some of the other attractions that this destination offers to patrons, families and players, ensuring a unique experience off the spectacular polo pitches.
The members of the Polo Challenge committee expressed “we feel very satisfied and privileged to have had the success and both national and international repercussion that the high goal season has had. We have set as a goal to achieve excellency in the projects that benefit and position Dominican Republic as the perfect sportive vacation destination in the Caribbean Region”.
Thanks to Polo Challenge, Dominican Republic has positioned itself near the four countries where the highest goal polo is played: Argentina, USA, UK and Spain. To participate of the Summer Season of the Polo Challenge 2016 please get in touch with Dr. Fernando Arata, Polo Manager at Casa de Campo ( and/or write to