By Ebe Sievwright
Casa de Campo was host to fourth day of the Bronze Cup here in the Dominican Republic. Two great games between four tough teams.
Once again though the wins were solid and left no doubt as to who will be moving towards the final in the coming two weeks.
Los Samanes 13 vs La Carbuccia 10
MVP Santi Toccalino
Carlos Silva’s Los Samanes team were very potent from the outset and wasted no time in making their mark. Santi Toccalino was masterful in this game. The first to score and continuing the spree with 9 goals in the whole match. Not a chukka went by in which he didn’t put one in, and in the first and third he made it a couple. Juan Jose Brane was a little more subdued that Friday’s game and only managed to score a couple of goals in frenzied goal mouth scrambles. Juanchi Ambroggio made a bigger impression today as well, not least with his goal-per-chukka in the second half. Beto Donavan once again showed his value in 5 & 6 with his converted penalties but couldn’t help his team escape the inevitable 13 -10 loss that they suffered.
Lechuza 14 vs Casa de Campo 10
MVP Victor Vargas
Lechuza confirms their place as favourite for this tournament (or one of two) offering a firm win over home team Casa de Campo.
Lechuza is an expertly managed machine, a system that could not be broken down. The formula is; A pass from the back from Nero while Jauretche and Toto support, to Victor Vargas up front who somehow always manages to be in the right place at the right time. CdC were consistent in their attack as well as defence, but nothing could prevent the machine from punishing them with goals. Vargas scored 7…one per chukka with two in the last. Nero himself scored 7 as well, emerging every once in a while from his defensive stronghold, and the two auxiliary players presented a formidable wall to any attempt at offence from Cdc.
Goals were scored in opposition but this was more of a case of Lechuza relenting from a position of extreme domination than competitive edge. Nevertheless, Leo Matos was very astute in the breaks that he got and made each of them count and also had a high tally of 6 goals. The fifth chukka saw him score a hat trick. Pancho Bensado was brilliant as usual and has got the timed interception down to a fine art, but his two goals in the last chukka waned in comparison with Lechuza’s 14.¬e=7918&pag=0&anoB=2016