prominenttournamentsforchilds-29-2016-3-221GLast monday two very important tournaments for childs and youngs took place at the Lechuza Caracas fields in Wellington: the Buzz Welker Memorial and the PTF March Challenge. More than 60 players from different ages participated at them, with the scores as follows:

Buzz Welker Memorial:

Round Robin:
Chukkers 1 & 2: La Martina defeated PoloGraphics 5-2.
Chukkers 3 & 4: La Martina and. Nano’s Mallets tied 1-1.
Chukkers 5 & 6: Nano’s Mallets defeated Polographics 3-1.
La Martina win the 2016 Buzz Welker Memorial

*The La Martina Team is dedicating their win in memory of Matt Cohen.

La Martina: Mia Novillo Astrada (MVP), Landen Daniels, Lucas Escobar, Jack McLean.
Polographics: Oliver Firestone, Mia Cambiaso (Sportsmanship), Poroto Cambiaso, Tiernen Tognini.
Nano’s Mallets: Cipriano Echezarreta, Santos Merlos, Tenzin Tognini, Mackenzie Weisz (BPP).

Field #2: County Line defeated Pololine 9-1.
Pololine: Richy Fisher, Jasmine Gallegos, Catie Steuck (MVP), Carson Wilt.
County Line: River Blake, Max Beuck, Clark Mayer (Sportsmanship), Benjamin Quiroga (BPP).

Field #2: Port Mayaca defeated Tackeria 6-0.
Port Mayaca: Hunter Azzaro (MVP), Juli Ezcurra, Elizabeth Fenner (BPP).
Tackeria: Santiago González, Paige Hazera (Sportsmanship), Nikko Ramirez.

Field #1 -Tato’s Mallets defeated the Eagles.
Eagles: Lorenzo Chavanne, Pedro Chavanne (Sportsmanship), Finn Secunda.
Tato’s Mallets: Miguelito Novillo Astrada, Rufino Merlos (BPP), Francisco Spinacci (MVP).

SouthEnd Field #1
APHA: Guiliana Battista, Santos Goti, Weston Meade.
Casablanca: Valentina Ezcurra, Arthur Porter, George Porter.
The Polo School: Mia Maldonado, Celestino Merlos, Harrison Reicher.

4pm Northend Field #1 – Leadline
The Morning Line: Lucio Franceschi, Juan Rodriguez, Jaime Borwick, William Zeigler, Matteo Goti.

PTF March Challenge:

Field #1
Chukker 1: GJ Racing defeated Casablanca 3-0.
Chukker 2: Casablanca and Colts tied 1-1.
Chukker 3: Colts defeated GJ Racing 3-1.

Field #2
Chukker 1 & 2: Tackeria defeated Alex Photo 3-1.

Consolation Round Robin Final
Chukker 3: 3rd Casablanca defeated GJ Racing 2-1.
Chukker 4: GJ Racing defeated Alex Photo 2-0.
Chukker 5: Casablanca and Alex Photo tied 1-1.

PTF March Challenge Final
Chukkers 4 & 5: Colts defeated Tackeria 4-1.
MVP & BPP: Justin Daniels.

Colts: Joao Pedro Souza Aranha, Justin Daniels, Guillerhme Maia, Alexander Melo.
Tackeria: Santos Bollini, Enrique García, Tenzin Tognini, Charlie/Harry Caldwell.
GJ Racing: Harrison Azzaro, Jaqui Casey, Liam Lott, Christian Weisz.
Alex Photo: Cipriano Echezarreta, Bjorn Dahl, Benjamin Daniels, Malicia Von Falkenhausen.
Casablanca: Michael Bellissimo, Kelsey Burhans, Matias Gonzalez, Jack McLean.

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