Raindrops Everywhere

TR-wine3547-copy1410275834Oldford Polo Ground, Madison County, Virginia, Independence Day 2016

The rain gods were playing their annoying role in central Virginia as well as on the grass courts at Wimbledon this week-end. The raindrops were not only falling on our heads but on well oiled tack and impatient ponies.

Scheduled to begin at eleven o’clock , the game was cancelled by consensus at nine. As the rain clouds moved away at noon, a cry arose to play at three. The ayes won and the Red and Gold teams were fully assembled at the midline a few minutes after noon.

The Red squad was led by returning stars Vick Nadir, the Mallet Menace, and Nico, the Oldford Kid, von Raab. The spectators were not surprised when the scoring drought was broken by the Menace as he knocked the ball as well and Juan,Freight Train, Butler downfield to score goal number one. The Gold squad led by Freight Train and ably supported by the Kiyonaga Boys, Long Legs and Big Boy as well as Celtic Lass Tustian failed to put a combination together in period one to level the score. Red 1 Gold 0

The tables turned in chukker two as Freight Train ably took the little pill from midfield through the posts in three smart and straight cracks to even the score. The Red squad were mostly spectators as Menace led the Canadian Whiz Watt, Nico the Oldford Kid and his proud father, yours truly, American Idol protecting the backfield for Red.

The Red team returned to the scoring column when Nico took a pass from Vick the Menace near the goal and in a sharply angled neck shot drove ball through the pillars for a second score for Red. The Golds failed to move the ball into Red territory for a needed score. Red 2 Gold 1.

Both teams battled unsuccessfully without a score down to the last thirty seconds of the last chukker when Freight Train blasted the ball into a melee in front of the Red goal. Celtic Lass managed to obtain control of the ball and with the help of her pony, Midnight, scored the necessary second goal for the Golds. The game ended three seconds later Red 2 Gold 2.

Baring further mischief from the rain gods, the next game is scheduled for next Saturday at eleven.


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