Last weekend saw the 1st Ladies Cup at the still very young Polo Club Zug, Switzerland, which was only founded 2 years ago and today has 18 members. The Ladies Cup was only the second official tournament at the club and also their first SPA tournament.
Ladies from Germany, Switzerland, Belgium and Argentina came together for this inaugural tournament. While Mercedes Prario flew in from Argentina for this tournament, Antonia Fichtner came with her ponies from Munich.
Among the ladies were also 4 juniors, some of whom played their very first tournament.
To create even matches and give newcomers to a real polo tournament a fair and fun team pairing the club decided to split the four teams into two leagues.
Both leagues saw fast and hard fought matches on both days. Team Ladurée, with the club’s president Viviane Sauter (0), was troubled by bad luck on day one which saw them loose against team Magnola by 1-4, and even though the final day was by far better for them, the ladies of Team Magnola showed great skill and power, thus securing their win (5-3) against Viviane Sauter and her team.
In the second league, Embassy and the Swiss company Rausch, Team Rausch, captained by Morgan van Overbroek (-1) from Belgium won by 5-2.5 on the first day and by 5-1 on the final day against Team Embassy, sponsored by Lucerne jeweller and including the girls from the Polo Park Zurich and Polo Club Zug. Sybille Grass (-2), Aline Haerry (-2), Sammy-Jo Strub (-2) and Sue-Ann Strub (-2) compensated their lack of tournament experience by putting up a tough fight against their more experienced opponents.
Over the weekend more than 200 visitors from Switzerland and neighbouring countries cheered on their teams and made this 1st Ladies Cup at the Polo Club Zug a great success in a very family atmosphere. Against any meteorological forecast the weekend was crowned by fantastic weather and the spectators who came to watch and enjoy the tournament were treated with great polo in a family atmosphere and the stunning backdrop oft he Swiss alps.
The next tournament on the agenda in Zug will be the 2nd Porsche Zentrum Zug Polo Cup, from 9-11 September, which will host 6 teams this year and will be held over three days.
League 1
Team Magnola (-3)
Nina Frühauf (-2)
Amelie Müller (-1)
Florence Müller (0)
Laura Fass (0)
Team Ladurée (-3)
Lorena Renggli (-2)
Antonia Fichtner (-1)
Viviane Sauter (0)
Mercedes Prario (0)
League 2
Team Embassy (-8)
Sybille Grass (-2)
Aline Haerry (-2)
Sammy-Jo Strub (-2)
Sue-Ann Strub (-2)
Team Rausch (-7/-6)
Julika Keller (-2)
Eliane Blauer (-2)
Laura Steinbach / Franka Vonholdt (-2/-1)
Morgan v. Overbroek (-1)
For further information about Polo Club Zug please visit