The traditional Thai Polo Open Argentina is getting ready for the Argentine Spring Season. The third edition of this tournament will have twelve 12-14 goal teams in participation, including Defending Champions Las Codornices, Thai Polo, Los Nocheros, Power Infrastructure, Sonny Hill, Amadeus, Sealink Polo, Cibao La Pampa, Amanara, Power Horse, Mochi Chic and Mumbai.

The tournament will kick off on November 1 at Thai Polo in Pilar. Some of the games will be also held at nearby polo clubs La Virgencita and Sao Jose. The official presentation will be at La Martina’s flagship store in Recoleta on October 31.

The La Martina Cup and Localiza Cup will be presented on the final. The Argentine group “Malevo” will close the day with a big show, and an after polo party will follow.

Brands like Alvear Palace Hotel, La Martina, Localiza, QA, Tregar and Virgen Water will once again be sponsoring Harald Link’s event, which is also supported by the Thai Embassy in Argentina. Polo manager Manuel Cereceda, together with his company Minuto Siete, will organise everything alongside Licere PR.

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