USPA 2017 Annual Handicap Changes

USPA 2017 Annual Handicap Changes


To the USPA Membership,

The fall handicap process has been completed. I would like to thank the many volunteers, from Club Delegates to the NHC members, as well as the USPA staff for all the hard work that went into determining these handicap results.

As far as process, it is important to note the following changes that were put into place for this handicap cycle:

1. Electronic ballots were used for the first time at the fall meeting. This improved both vote tabulation and record keeping of voting results. Furthermore, it assured votes were anonymous and that results were not released until now.

2. In accordance with the NHC Policy, handicap raises will have a “lag” date of June 1 for raise decisions made at the Fall meeting.  The exceptions to this are for players that the NHC voted to have an expedited effective date and players who only compete in their home circuit and only received a raise vote from the circuit chair.

3. The NHC voted to expedite all handicap lowers to be effective January 1.

Please see the links below for the Handicap Changes Lists:

Full Change List

Immediate Change List

January 1st Change List

June 1st Change List

The handicap change lists are sorted by handicap (high to low) and then by last name alphabetically.  If your name is on the list please be sure to look to the effective date column to know when the change takes effect.  Changes that were decided at the April meeting with a lagged effective date of  Jan 1 are in blue. If you have any questions about your handicap or feel a mistake was made please email Lindsay Dolan at She will then review the voting record to make sure no mistakes were made.

Steve Orthwein JR

USPA National Handicap Committee Chairman

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