Victory Cup 2016 – Austin’s premier Derby Party

Victory-Cup-Austin-PoloSpring is just around the corner and the ATX Polo Club (Austin Polo Club) is looking to create an even bigger polo party in Austin / Texas as in the past year, this time in tandem with the Kentucky Derby. Join thousands of spectators at The Victory Cup, watch the Derby in style at “The Best Party in Texas” and witness intense matches on a gorgeous polo field.

The Victory Cup throws a polo match that everyone can enjoy. This event is all about meeting great people, respecting the sport, the horses and the players and having a great time.

The Victory Cup will be held on Saturday, 7 May 2016 at the ATX Polo Club (Austin Polo Club). Get dressed up and come enjoy several polo matches, then after the matches, watch the Derby on a huge Mobile LED Screen on the polo field!
→ Purchase Tickets

“In 2015, approximately $ 25,000 was donated to various charities. The Victory Cup has consistently grown in both New York and Austin and we feel confident that we are on track to become a 5,000 attendee event in both New York and Texas within a few short seasons. We are committed to ensuring that the unique experience that the Victory Cup provides only gets better and improves with time. Our goal is to maintain and improve the quality of the event, refine the VIP and even General Admission experience while slowly and consistently growing the event each year.” – Gregory Robert Ball, Victory Cup Founder & Former New York State Senator

This event is being hosted by Black Stone (a technology and marketing company) as a fundraiser, in part, for their cherished not-for-profit the ‘Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’. Joe Bachmeier, CMO Black Stone: “This event isn’t just a polo match featuring both polocrosse and polo alumni teams, it’s also a networking and social destination, featuring art, fashion, luxury cars, food and drinks, drawing thousands of professionals.”

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Victory Cup 2016 – Austin’s premier Derby Party

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