The Copa Republica Argentina 2017 will feature its final stage from March 16 to 25, on the grounds of the Argentine Polo Association in Pilar and Palermo. The traditional tournament was settled in 1929 and in 1938 became known as the Copa Republica Argentina. It is the only polo tournament in the world that allows the participation of teams with no handicap limit (0-40).
At this moment, the qualified circuits are the following:
Las Rosas: Franco Gai (h) 6, Clemente Zavaleta 7, Robert Strom 3 and Rodrigo Rueda (h) 7. Total 23.
El Desafío Power Infrastructure: Miguel Mendoza 0, Emilio Francisco del Campo 4, Valerio Zubiaurre 4 and Jaime García Huidobro 7. Total 15.
Tucumán: Diego Murga 1, Felipe Kelly 4, Felipe Corroto Buffo 4 and Andrés Lariguet 5. Total 14
Trenque Lauquen: Juan Manuel García Grossi 0, Pierre Jauretche 2, Roberto Bilbao 5 and Juan Agustín García Grossi 7. Total 14.
Pompeya Marquez y Asociados: Ariel Marquez 1, Francisco Pizarro 4, Iván Maldonado (h) 4 and Javier Perea 3. Total 12
El Retoño: José Araya 2, Juan E. Harriott 2, Ignacio Garrós 3 and Tomás Alberdi 3. Total 10.