Empire Polo Club
Sunday, March 19th, 2017
Lockton Polo Team defeated S.T.G. 15 – 10 in the finals of the USPA Constitutional Cup.
Lockton from left to right: Hernan Tejera, Bryan Middleton, Athena Malin (sub. for Tim Kelly), Jim Wright and Tim Kelly.
Hanalei Bay defeated Empire Polo Team 13 – 10 in the finals of the USPA Congressional Cup.
Hanalei Bay from left to right: Ignacio Del Tour (sub for Ashton wolf), Alvaro Tadeo, Randy Heredia and Baine Bossom (sub for Krista Bonaguidi).
Next weekend the 4-Goal USPA Lions Cup and the 8-Goal USPA Champions Cup Tournaments begin. The final day of the 2017 polo season and the tournament finals will take place on Sunday, April 2nd.