Right here on the Gold coast it was let her rip in Santa Barbara at Premier of them all for Private fields Bella Vista owned and operated by Pat Nesbitt. We had it all today from Christan Toraldo riding broncs and doing a good job to flat out Balls to the wall Billy Steta of Mexico doing 90 . This would not seem like a big deal but 70 % of these Men are over 60 and often 70 + but you would never know it and nobody would want to just jump in for a moment and above all of this they are mostly playing strange horses meaning they have never even seen them before today.
This tournament is a unique way of fulfilling a quote by ” Will Rogers saying “polo is a passport to the world”. Today and thru Sat. they will compete 12 International players and 12 local US players mixed on 6 teams for the Cup. Players come from Australia,Peru,Guatemala,Mexico,UK and Argentina of course. You might say they came to play and they did.
We had 3 games today and it was wild and woolly and very quick at times.
Game 1 seen Santa Barbara Polo taking on Empire Polo Club with a combo of players from Mexico,Australia,and Guatemala and of the US.
Chukker 1 seen SB jumping out a 2 goal lead with Mr Steta doing the damage this man loves to run and does they held the 2 nd and kept it up C.Toralado did his Rodeo show to start the 3rd but came out smiling and running but Empire were not history as they came roaring back Francois Berger and Ron Wanless taking the passes from Judge and Zamora but could not finish the deal and came out in 2nd place.
Game 2 was just as good and include Esturado Masias of Peru being the big gun and Ron Wanless covering the back door from Australia but they were facing another combo of an Aussie and the UK with Domingo Questel and they were not going to beat them today . They had there chances but just could not find that center between the red post.
The UK man of the moment was Mr Graham slamming the door and letting peter Prendiville and Chuck and Domingo loose.
A bad idea but hey were never out until the end .
Game 3 seen local Bella Vista the Host of the 93rd with an Englishman Omar Mangalji and a speed ball from Peru Tayo Masias joing up with host Pat Nesbitt and Buelitons Joel Baker taking on Andrew Bossom and Argentina’s Michael Rattagan along with Australian Warrick Prinedvillie and they ran into a firestorm early and could not recover as Bella Vista was able to hold there edge throughout the balance of the game .
Tournament continues Thursday as in tomorrow at 2 PM with the 3 runner-sup taking on each other and the winners doing the same at 4. Pm so come on by and meet the players we will be happy to C U.
see ya

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