During the past months, in the course of preparations for the XI FIP-World Polo Championship, several planning issues had arisen with regard to the use of the site at the Sydney Polo Club.  Such issues are not uncommon when it comes to planning major sporting events that benefit the countries and communities where they are held.  They are a part of the preparations, often complex and time-consuming, necessary to make such events a success to be enjoyed by all.

Because of the various interests involved in such matters, and the sensitivity of the various negotiations, it is usually neither possible nor wise to make pronouncements before a solution is worked out.  In particular, because ultimately such decisions are the prerogative of the government in charge of public administration in the particular location and due respect must be paid to that process and the need for governmental organizations to make their decisions in their own time.

During the past months, the able team from Sydney Polo Club under the direction of its owner Peter Higgins and with the support of the Australian Polo Federation have worked tirelessly in close coordination with FIP to address these various issues in order to ensure that the Australian polo community can benefit from holding its second FIP World Polo Championship.  As a result of these efforts, and thanks to the excellent cooperation by the various governmental agencies and government officials involved, the NSW Government has issued “Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (XI FIP World Polo Championship) Regulation 2017.” Accordingly, the FIP-WPC has been declared to be a major event under the Major Events Act 2009.  This means that the planning issues that you may have heard about previously have now been successfully resolved.

FIP is grateful for the constructive way in which numerous government officials have worked hard to help ensure the success XI FIP Polo World Championship.  FIP especially appreciated the various constructive and helpful meetings FIP had with the government agencies involved during FIP officials’ visits to NSW.  Particular recognition must go to Peter Higgins whose determination and hard work, together with his team, to bring this major event to Australia and NSW means that come October we will all be enjoying an unparalleled international polo competition at the XI FIP World Polo Championship.

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