A good number of people attended Palermo on Saturday for the finals of the Campeonato Nacional Intercircuitos with Handicap for the Copa República Argentina, which Final Round had a total of 16 teams of between 11 and 26 goals. A total of three cups (Main and two Subsidiaries) were played.

In the main contest of the afternoon, held at Palermo´s Field 1, San Francisco (Eastern Circuit) beat Trenque Lauquen (Center South Circuit) (received 3 goals on handicap) 13-12, with a goal scored by Matías Mac Donough in extra chukker, to claim title.

This is the second title in the República for Matías Mac Donough, who won it for the first time in 2011 playing for La Estrella Enigma. For his teammates was the first ever title in the tournament.

Añejo trofeo Jaime Amorín to the BPP of the final: Irenita Tapón, played by Juan Jauretche.
BPP by the AACCP (Arg Breeders Association): Irenita Negra Sosa, played by Matías Mac Donough.

San Francisco: Tomás Leguizamón 1 (2 goals), Martín Podestá (h) 5 (2), Facundo Fernández Llorente 6 (1), Matías Mac Donough 8 (8, 3 penalties and 1 corner). Total: 20.
Trenque Lauquen: Juan Manuel García Grossi 0, Roberto Bilbao 5 (1), Juan Jauretche 5 (1), Juan Agustín García Grossi 7 (7, 4 penalties). Total: 17.

Score San Francisco: (0-3) 1-5, 5-7, 6-8, 7-9, 10-10, 12-12, 13-12.

Umpires: Nicolás Scortichini and Marcelo López Vargas. Third man: Rafael Silva.

Copa Diario La Nación
El Desafío Power Infraestructure beat El Chañar 14-13.

Copa Canadá
Coronel Suárez beat Las Rosas 22-19.

Source: Press AAP.

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