Royal Scots Dragoons Victorious Against St Andrews University
In their first military match of the 2017 season, the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards team were victorious against the St Andrews University team in four nail-biting chukkas on Saturday 22 April.
The team were taking part in the St Andrews Charity Polo Tournament, the largest tournament in Scotland attended by over 1,500 spectators, in aid of military charity, Help for Heroes.
From the outset the teams were evenly matched, as players tussled for possession of the ball. Ultimately the Dragoons came home with the trophy, winning 4-2½; a brilliant start to their season and they got the chance to pose in front of their tank…
Please find more exciting military dates below:
Tidworth – Military Ladies Tournament: 1 May
Border Reivers – Cavalry Wallahs Polo Day: 6 May
RAF Cranwell – RAF Cranwell Tournament: 20-21 May
Tidworth – Heroes Day: 28 May
Kirtlington – Rupert Thorneloe Memorial: 3 June
Photograph: Lt Ed Thornton, Lt Robbie Houston, Capt. Hugh Richardson & Lt Rishi Ahluwalia courtesy of British Army Polo