Mt Brillant did not take there lesson La Indiana did and it showed today . Team Polo WINS. To go back just a little bit Tonkawa beat Mt B very bad in first game because they wanted to play from behind , they got over that and played team polo Man- Ball- Hit and won 4 in a row as they have maybe the best Patron out there with Bo Goodman hit him the ball it opens it up and he scores and there is always someone behind with a shot at goal . WELL today lesson lost and Mr Bickford used just that to return a favor La Indiana took a thrashing last week the same way but they did not forget and they hit and ran completely away from Mount B today and returned the favor for 5 chukkers before they figured out hit the ball and follow  but it was like Green Bay and Pittsburgh  to little to late .                       Hats off to La Indiana they played good solid smart Polo they knew what MB did to them before and did not let it happen again Gringo blocked or slowed ever play off the line and MB never went forward and would not hit to the front end and that was the game . Instead of Bo going forward it was Michael and he did it well. It was a painful game to watch but it is just common sense if it is not working change IT. There were 3 teams today that did not and they all Lost  . To me Gringo was the main factor in the game I know he did not get MVP but to me there was no one else so well done Gringo even though I do not know his real name and congrags to La Indiana and Mr Bickford you were awesome today and deserve it all.

see ya

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