All set for UAE National Day Cup

The UAE National Day Cup kicks off on Wednesday at Al Habtoor Polo Resort & Club, in Dubai, with six 10-goal teams in participation. The finals are scheduled for November 30.



Wednesday 21st:

3pm: Mahra vs Bangash

4pm: Wolves/Rhinos vs Habtoor

Friday 23th:

3pm: Bin Drai vs Habtoor

4pm: Bangash vs UAE

Wednesday 28th:

3pm: Bin Drai vs Wolves/ Rhinos

4pm: UAE vs Mahra

Friday 30th:




Habtoor Polo Team: Mohammed Al Habtoor 0, Justo Cuitiño 3, Hugo Lewis 3, Tomás Iriarte 4. Total: 10.

Mahra Polo Team: Rashid Al Habtoor 0, Tariq Al Habtoor 1, Diogo Gallego 5, Daniel Gariador 2. Total: 8.

Wolves/ Rhinos: Habtoor Al Habtoor 1, Stuart Wrigley 0, Ariel Ponzi 2, Jake Daniels 4. Total: 7.

UAE: HH Sheika Maitha 0, Guillermo Healy 2, Tomas Panelo 4, Nacho Acuña 4. Total: 10.

Bangash Polo Team: Haider Bangash 0, Dr. A 0, Mauro Gómez 2, Federico Von Potobsky 6. Total: 8.

Bin Drai: Rashid Bin Drai 1, Khalid Bin Drai 1, Mohammed Bin Drai 1, Andres Laplacette 4. Total: 7.


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