Some days ago, Mahra Polo Team unveilled its formation for the upcoming Dubai Gold Cup Series. After the updates, rosers are as follows:
Habtoor Polo: Mohammed Al Habtoor 0, Hugo Lewis 3, Facundo Sola 9, Tommy Beresford 6. Total: 18.
Mahra Polo: Rashid Al Habtoor 0, Diogo Gallego 5, Jaime García Huidobro 7, Pelayo Berazadi 5. Total: 17.
Dubai Wolves: Habtoor Al Habtoor 1, Justo Cuitiño 3, Marcos Cacu Araya 7, Manuel Crespo 7. Total: 18.
UAE Polo: HH Sheikha Maitha 0, Matias Benoit 6, Alejandro Muzzio 8, Tomás Panelo 4. Total: 18.
Zedan Polo: Amr Zedan 0, Martin Gandara 5, Santiago Laborde 6, Rauli Laplacette 7. Total: 18.
Abu Dhabi Polo: Faris Al Yabhouni 0, Santiago Gómez Romero 4, Guy Gibrat 5, Alfredo Cappella 9. Total: 18.
Ghantoot Polo: Yousef Bin Dismal 1, Bautista Beguerie 4, Juan Gris Zavaleta 8, Martin Donovan 5. Total: 18.
Desert Palm: Rashid Al Bawardi 2, Camilo Castagnola 5, Bartolito Castagnola 6, Martin Valent 5. Total: 18.
Bin Drai: TBC.
Silver Cup (18-Goal): January 25 – February 8.
Polo Masters Cup (10): February 10-15.
Julius Baer Gold Cup (18): February 18 – March 8.
Dubai Challenge Cup (18): March 15-30.
Dubai Cup (8): April 2-12.