Friend’s Polo


The fifth edition of Friend’s Polo came to an end on Saturday, March 24, with the tournament finals at Sao José Polo Club, in Argentina. This friendly tournament saw six teams in competition. Handicaps were not considered, as the focus of the event was to have fun among friends and family. Players as young as eight years of age (León Donoso and Pedro Chavanne) played alongside their experienced parents. The tournament stands out for being one of the most inclusive in the polo world since it invites the participation of men and women of all ages and playing abilities.

The finals were entertaining and dynamic in rhythm: professional players like Santiago Chavanne and Nacho Figueras were able to guide their children from their positions on the field, and the matches thus brought the best out of Pedro and Lorenzo Chavanne, and of Artemio and Aurora Figueras. Gaston Laulhe also had the opportunity to play with his two boys, Rufo and Beltran, and mothers Elina and Deflina Blaquier were able to play alongside their children, as well.

“It was a lot of fun having six family based teams, with women and children,” says Jose Donoso, Founder of Friend’s Polo. “Everyone played with a positive attitude and with a good concept of open polo. The fields were in great condition, which meant that everybody was able to hit the ball, learn, and have fun. The opportunity we give fathers and mothers to play with their children is priceless, it is something that completely and uniquely represent’s Friend’s Polo.”

“The best part of Friend’s Polo is that it is not about winning or losing, but about sharing the experience of such a special sport like polo,” explains Nacho Figueras, who played in a team alongside his wife, son and daughter. “I think that everybody who plays polo knows that the best thing about it is being able to share your passion for horses and for the sport with your whole family.”

The Friend’s Polo season continues until the end of May. “On Saturday, May 12, and Sunday, May 13, we are going to host our second Father-Son tournament,” shares Donoso. “Last year we were lucky enough to have twenty teams in competition. We hope to have a similar number this year, but always maintaining our concept of family based, friendly, open polo.”

Meanwhile, Friend’s Polo is open for business with their polo school, which boasts four categories: Horse Rides, Guided Polo, Juniors, and Young Players. The Guided Polo category is for children who still need to be lead on the horse; Juniors play on a full sized field; and Young Players are those who already have a concept of the game and can play fast, open polo (this category includes players as young as eight years old).

Friend’s Polo wants to thank the following sponsors for their support in every tournament: “Loggi” polo sticks, Blackback, polo apparel, Agroventas, Aperos Pilar and JLT Insurance.

For more information, follow @friendspolo on Instagram.



Pedro Chavanne, Lorenzo Chavanne, Francesca Moretti, Santiago Chavanne

La Maroma 

Valentino Moretti, Lucas Rivas, Sofia Rivas, José Rivas

La Oma 

Rufo Laulhe, Beltran Laulhe, Benja Balzano, Gastón Laulhe


Artemio Figueras, Aurora Figueras, Delfina Blaquier, Nacho Figueras

Palo Santo 

Juan Cruz Guińazú, Bianca Pagano, León Schwenke, Gastón Guiñazú

Friend’s Polo 

León Donoso, Salva Pagano, Elina Blaquier, José Donoso


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