Tomorrow the E&V Berlin Maifeld Polo Cup – German Polo High Goal Championship 2018 starts. Who will be Germany’s best high-goal polo team in 2018? And which of the eight international teams will be able to take home the coveted championship trophy of the ENGEL&VÖLKERS Berlin Maifeld Polo Cup this year?

Between 17 and 24 August, the championship will be held as part of the ENGEL&VÖLKERS Berlin Maifeld Polo Cup. After the qualifying rounds at the Preussischen Polo & Country Club Berlin-Brandenburg at the equestrian centre in Phöben, the organisers are again expecting several thousand spectators on the final weekend at Berlin’s Maifeld.

Since 2010, the ENGEL&VÖLKERS Berlin Maifeld Polo Cup has become one of the most popular polo events in Europe. Here, on the May field in front of the Berlin Olympic Stadium, Polo was an Olympic discipline for the last time in 1936. Exactly 80 years later, the Prussian Polo & Country Club Berlin-Brandenburg hosted the European Polo Championship 2016 with overwhelming success. Since then, the traditional Mayfield has become even better known in the international polo scene.

Sylvia Gädeke, President of the Preussischen Polo & Country Club Berlin-Brandenburg (PPCCBB): “After the great success of the 2016 European Championship, the Polo World Association (FIP) was so enthusiastic that they asked us to hold the next World Championship here. We could not have received a greater compliment. We are now looking forward to eight extremely good teams and international players at the German Championships and thus to very exciting polo matches.”

Numerous celebrities from politics, business, sport and culture also take part in the annual Maifeld Polo Cup – the final will once again be a Berlin society highlight in 2018. Several thousand VIP guests are then served and catered for excellently at the highest level; every year the internal logistics grows in parallel with the number of guests.

In 2018, many well-known polo professionals will be competing on the Maifeld. The Argentinian Gastón Maíquez, who has won the tournament four times so far, is record holder. With Dr. Piero Dillier, the European delegate of the World Federation, a Swiss team will also take part. The Hamburg family team Barralina, which had already been successful on the Maifeld in previous years, comes to Berlin with its horses from Mallorca. A team from the capital of the Preussischen Polo & Country Club Berlin-Brandenburg with Berliners Nico Wollenberg and Moritz Gädeke will also be present. But the Berlin audience can also look forward to new dialogue faces and young talents. A big sports line-up, which promises exciting matches in the preliminary round games in Phöben and on the Maifeld.

Admission to the public area is free on the final weekend. Adrenalin sports, excellent catering and a colourful programme for the little guests make the ENGEL&VÖLKERS Berlin Maifeld Polo Cup 2018 the perfect excursion destination for the whole family.

E&V Berlin Maifeld Polo Cup German Polo High Goal Championship 2018
FINALS AUGUST 25 & 26, 2018 on the Maifeld in the Olympiapark Berlin
QUALIFICATION MATCHES AUGUST 17TH – 19TH & 24TH 2018 on the polo courts of the Preussischen Polo & Country Club Berlin – Brandenburg e.V.

Teams and Schedule:
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