La Aguada Ladies Cup

La Aguada Ladies Cup kicks off


La Aguada Ladies Cup, the ladies polo competition hosted by La Aguada Polo Club, will kick off on Wednesday April 11, at the Novillo Astrada family’s club, in Open Door, Argentina.


An already traditional event within the polo seasons in Argentina, the tournament will showcase some of the most important international female players, in four teams up to 14 goals (ladies handicap).


The order of play of the opening day is the following:


10am: Las Tacuaras vs. La Araucaria

11am: Why Not vs. La Aguada


The finals of the La Aguada Ladies Cup will take place on Sunday April 15.



Las Tacuaras: Bianca Pagano 1, Ali Rohm 1, Samantha Eddy 3, Lia Salvo 9. Total: 14

La Araucaria: Verónica Posse 1, Ann Rodger 2, Sol López Llames 5, Camila Rossi 5. Total: 13

Why Not: Luisa del Carril 0, Sabrina E. Bradley 1, Hannah Grill 4, Hazel Jackson 9. Total: 14

La Aguada: Mora Aldao 0, Sofìa Lorenzo 3, Mia Novillo Astrada 5, Milagros Sanchez 6. Total: 14



Wednesday, April 11

10am: Las Tacuaras vs. La Araucaria

11am: Why Not vs. La Aguada

Thursday, April 12

4pm: La Araucaria vs. Why Not

5pm: La Aguada vs. Las Tacuaras

Sunday, April 15

4pm: La Araucaria vs. La Aguada

5pm: Las Tacuaras vs. Why Not



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