La Mer and Polo Park Zurich, winners of the 19th Zurich International Ladies Polo Cup

The 19th Zurich International Ladies Polo Cup, hosted by Polo Park Zurich, came to an end on Sunday after two days of action. Polo was divided in two handicap categories (Medium Goal League and Low Goal League); a total of eight teams were in competition. The matchday was accompanied by a great event with many guests enjoying lunch and many other alternatives while watching some really good polo.


19th Zurich International Ladies Polo Cup Finals Results:


Fifth Place Match Low-Goal League: Jolies Filles venció a Hato

Hato: Sarah Bond 0, Julia Fichter 0, Sibylle Grass 0, Andrea Keutmeier/Lea Kochli 0. Total: 0.

Les Jollies Files: Laura Vuille 2, Belén Podestá 1, Cristina de Mendieta 0, Sandra Gerber/Antonia Sturzeis 0. Total: 3.

Third Place Match Low-Goal League: La Tana Polo venció a Bolle

Bolle: Larissa Ehrbar 0, Anouk Marazzi 0, Isabelle Issemann 1, Isabelle Rosch 0. Total: 1.

La Tana Polo: Kira Wetzel 1, Susanna Jahn 0, Laura Steinbach 0, Strub Sue Ann/Shiva Cosma 0. Total: 1.

FINAL LOW-GOAL LEAGUE: Polo Park Zurich 6.5-1 Nespresso

Polo Park Zurich: Lorena Renggli 1, Runa Kawamoto 1, Sammy Joe Strub 0, Sidney Wyler 0. Total: 2.

Nespresso: Vivian Sauter 2, Aline Haerry 1, Anja Gutbrod 0, Ina Wamser/Elizabeth Schoch 0. Total: 3.



FINAL MEDIUM-GOAL LEAGUE: La Mer 8-7 Laurent Perrier

La Mer: Morgan Van Overbroek 1, Verónica Magnasco 4, Irene Graff 2, Izzy McGregor 5. Total: 12.

Laurent Perrier: Natalia Corrales 0, Marieleng Jaeger Skorge 1, Lía Salvo 9, Vivian Sauter 2. Total: 12.




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