Remembered for his fierce determination and ability to lead soldiers, George S. Patton Jr. is considered one of the greatest military figures in history. Immortalized as one of the world’s most intriguing military men, he was known for carrying pistols with ivory handles, his intemperate manner and his love for polo.
General Patton was an avid believer that polo was a useful tool in understanding how his fellow officers preformed under pressure. Regarded as one of the most successful United States field commanders of any war, he continuously drove his troops to the highest standard of excellence in training and utilized his love for polo as a teaching aid. He traveled from post to post with a fine set of polo ponies and routinely established polo matches on the weekends at the military base to which he was assigned. General Patton encouraged participation, helped grow awareness and grew interest in the sport.
The Armed Forces Polo Committee requests USPA members nominate people who have gone above the call of duty to create opportunities for military members and their families to be involved in the sport of polo. Please include a description of how the nominee best embodies the characteristics described with your award nomination. Nominees are not required to have served in the military but must be a current USPA member.
Please submit your 2017 General George S. Patton Jr. award nominations to James Dodge at by December 1, 2018.
All nominations will be reviewed and the winner chosen by the Award Sub-Committee of the Armed Forces Committee. This award will be presented to an individual who perpetuates the tie of rich history between the armed forces and polo communities. An individual who goes above and beyond the call of duty through the promotion of events that support the military community and families.