The Queen’s Cup, one of the most prestigious polo tournaments around the world, resumed its activity on Wednesday with two matches. A total of 11 teams up to 22 goals are taking part of the competition. The current matchday featured wins by RH Polo and Valiente over Emlor and Monterosso.
RH POLO 10-7 EMLOR (at Black Bears)
RH Polo: Ben Soleimani 0, Mín Podestá 5 (1 goal), Sapo Caset 9 (7), Rodrigo Andrade 8 (2). Total: 22.
Emlor: Spencer McCarthy 0, Diego Cavanagh 8 (2 goals), Tincho Merlos 9 (4), Nacho González 5. Total: 22.
Score RH Polo: 3-2, 5-3, 5-3, 5-5, 7-7, 10-7.
Umpires: Peter Wright and Tim Bown. Third man: Jason Dixon.
VALIENTE 11-9 MONTEROSSO (at Black Bears)
Valiente: Rob Jornayvaz 1, Hugo Lewis 4 (2 goals), Magoo Laprida 7 (5), Adolfo Cambiaso 10 (4). Total: 22.
Monterosso: Alessandro Bazzoni 1, Juan Martín Zubía 6 (2 goals), Cubi Toccalino 8 (3), Santiago Toccalino 8 (4). Total: 22.
Score Valiente: 3-1, 6-1, 9-2, 10-4, 10-6, 11-9.
Umpires: Jason Dixon and Julian Appleby. Third man: Peter Wright.
The Queen’s Cup will resume on Thursday with the following order of play:
3pm: El Remanso vs Talandracas
QUEEN’S CUP: Fixture & Teams