From Northeastern Circuit Governor Leighton Jordan,
“As many of you have undoubtedly heard, Folly Farm, based in Simsbury, Connecticut, suffered a devastating fire last week, resulting in the death of 24 horses. Folly Farm is the home of Simsbury Polo Club and is owned and operated by Alison Patricelli.
The entire USPA organization, along with the Northeastern Circuit, are deeply saddened about this terrible loss of horses.
For those of you who don’t know Alison, she restarted the Simsbury Polo Club ( in 2014, and has brought much to the sport of polo in the Central Connecticut region. She is a USPA Certified Polo Instructor and is the coach of the girls CT Polo Simsbury polo team. The club hosts 0-7 goal tournaments June through August, and last year co-hosted a National Youth Tournament Series Qualifier.

While much of the devastating loss right now is rightly focused on the horses, Alison does plan to rebuild. Through her Facebook pages (Simsbury Polo and Folly Farm) you can follow up with her, and keep apprised of the situation. While any and all support would be appreciated, at the moment with the winter in full swing and limited barn space, the reality is that financial help is the most needed. Come the spring, tack and horses will be of great help.”
The USPA has plans to offer the aid of the USPA Equine Welfare Committee’s Equine Disaster Relief Funds to Folly Farm/Simsbury Polo Club.
Those interested in contributing to the rebuilding of Simsbury Polo Cub and Folly Farm can write a check to either organization, which can be sent to 79 Hartford Road Simsbury, Connecticut 06070. Donations are not tax deductible.