Team POLO+10 wins the “Final Chukka” at PoloPark Berlin

With a “Final Chukka” Low Goal tournament, PoloPark Berlin has brought its successful 2018 season to a close. Four teams with 19 players from Chiemsee, Leipzig, Berlin, Hamburg, Lüneburg and Prague played for victory with their 65 horses in sunny 25 degrees and brilliant autumn weather. POLO+10 was also a team sponsor – and finally stood at the top of the podium with organizer Thomas Strunck. With a big asado, players and guests bid farewell to each other in the 2019 polo season.

Ranking of the teams:

1. POLO+10
Tuky Caivano 3
Thomas Strunck 0
Viktoria Wolfrum -1
Thomas Wirth -2

2. Ostseebad Sellin
Comanche Gallardo 2
Johan Funk Gallardo -1
Milo Funk Gallardo -2
Steffen Lange -2
Laura Quiering -1

3. PoloPark Berlin
Berty Carlos Zalazar 3
Mona Scharf -1
Thomas Müller -1
Holger Kabisch -2

4. Wizard Textilmanufaktur
Dr. Dele Iversen 0
Bernhard Niederhammer 0
Jeanette Diekmann 0
Romy Grüner 0

Photos: Baltic Polo Events GmbH.

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