• All candidates must be nominated regardless if they currently hold a Circuit Governor Position.
• Nominations come from Qualified Delegates within the specific circuit.
• Any individual receiving two or more nominations will be considered a candidate for the office of Circuit Governor.
• All Candidates must be Registered Players registered with an Active Member Club in the Circuit as of June 1 of the election year.
• Only Delegates representing Active Member Clubs in good standing which are in the Circuit and are of record on June 1 of each election year are entitled to nominate or vote for a candidate.
• Each Delegate will receive the number of ballots set forth below based on the number of Registered Player Members in the Active Member Club that the Delegate represents:

Timeline for 2018
June 1: Cutoff date for Registered Player count at Active Member Clubs.
No later than June 12: Association will convey to Delegates of Each Active Member Clubs in good standing as of June 1, with a copy to the incumbent Circuit Governor:
• A list of the Member Club’s Registered Players of record as of June 1.
• A nominating form.
• A list of all Active Member Clubs in the Circuit as of June 1, including the name and address of each Delegate.
July 10: Nominations due.
July 17: Ballots sent to the Delegates.
August 14: Ballots due.
Before August 30: Results announced.