The USPA’s Intercollegiate/Interscholastic (I/I) Program is proud to announce the 2018 International Intercollegiate Challenge Cup team. Players apply for the opportunity to compete for the international team and are selected based on sportsmanship, horsemanship and playing ability.
Representing the USA in the Sixth Annual International Intercollegiate Challenge Cup: USPA I/I vs. Schools & Universities Polo Association Britain (SUPA) will be Devan Groves (Oklahoma State University, Senior), Aaron Schneider (Skidmore College, Junior), Ben Lynch (University of Kentucky, Junior) and J.T. Shiverick (Southern Methodist University, Senior). “The International Challenge Cup is such a unique event, where we are able to highlight the competitiveness and depth of our players in the I/I program across the country,” Director of I/I Amy Fraser said. “Four players who have never met before, come together to compete on the same team. We are very proud to be able to promote our players and the quality of our program and the USPA on the international stage,” Fraser continued. 2018 marks the sixth year of the International battle. The USA leads the series 3-2 after a victorious win last year in Scottsdale, Arizona.
The USA Intercollegiate team will face off against SUPA Britain on February 9, at 5:30pm (local time) at the Rugby Polo Club at Onley Equestrian Center in Dunchurch, England.