The Queen’s Cup, one of the most prestigious polo tournaments around the world, kicked off on Tuesday in England. A total of 11 teams up to 22 goals are taking part of the competition. The opening matchday featured two games, where Talandracas beat Park Place, and last year’s runner-up La Indiana defeated El Remanso. The final of the Queen’s Cup is scheduled for Sunday, June 17th.
Talandracas: Hugues Carmignac 0, Alejandro Muzzio 7 (3 goals), Fran Elizalde 8 (5), Julián de Lusarreta 7 (4). Total: 22.
Park Place: Andrey Borodin 0, Juan Britos 7 (7 goals), Hilario Ulloa 10 (2), Tommy Beresford 5 (1). Total: 22.
Score Talandracas: 2-2, 4-4, 5-6, 6-8, 10-8, 12-10.
Umpires: Jason Dixon and Julian Appleby. Third man: Tim Bown.
La Indiana: Michael Bickford 1 (1 goal), Alec White 4 (2), Nic Roldan 7 (2), Facundo Pieres 10 (3). Total: 22.
El Remanso: Charlie Hanbury 4 (3 goals), Ollie Cudmore 6 (1), James Beim 6, James Harper 6 (2). Total: 22.
Score La Indiana: 2-1, 4-1, 5-1, 7-3, 7-5, 8-7.
Umpires: Peter Wright and Tim Bown. Third man: Julian Appleby.
The Queen’s Cup will continue on Wednesday with the following order of play:
12pm: Les Lions vs RH Polo, at Les Lions.
3pm: Emlor Polo Team vs Monterosso Polo Team, at Flemish Farm – Castle Ground.
Picture Galleries:
QUEEN’S CUP: Talandracas vs Park Place
QUEEN’S CUP: La Indiana vs El Remanso
QUEEN’S CUP: Fixture & Teams