Competitive polo in England suspended until further notice

Only two days before the start of the 2020 English High Goal Season, breaking news from the government has changed everything. In a statement sent by the HPA on Wednesday evening, they declared: 

“During a meeting this evening the Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) gave a clear directive that only those who earn a living from competing in a sport or are aged 16 and over and on an elite pathway programme qualify as elite sports persons, and only those persons are currently eligible to play on a competitive basis. The resumption of sport for amateur players and patrons will be kept under review by DCMS. 

For clarity:

*Professionals can continue to play at any level, as can anyone aged 16 and over on an elite pathway programme

*Everyone, including amateurs can take part in training with up to 6 persons.

We will receive a written directive shortly from DCMS which we will publish, but in the meantime all competitive polo is suspended whilst we discuss with our clubs how we can best take the season forward.”

The possibility of partaking in other polo related activities, such as practices, is still to be decided. We will be sending updates as soon as the situation becomes clearer.

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