Israr Alam, a promising young polo player from Upper Chitral Ovi village, who got injured after falling down from horse during Shandur Polo Festival, has undergone successful surgery in a private hospital on Friday
PESHAWAR, (APP – UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 9th Oct, 2020 ) :Israr Alam, a promising young polo player from Upper Chitral Ovi village, who got injured after falling down from horse during Shandur Polo Festival, has undergone successful surgery in a private hospital on Friday.
“The young player (Israr Aslam) was successfully operated upon, his wounds are healing up fast the way it should and now is doing well,” the doctor concerned remarked.
When contacted various polo players, they said that funds should be allocated for the support of the players for their encouragement to further promote this game.
Polo- “the game of kings and the king of games” is very popular in Gilgit Baltistan (GB) and Chitral for centuries and it brings jubilation and fanfare to the people of the region once in a year at Shandur, Babusar Top and twice in Gilgit, Skardu, Ghezer and Diameter.