Farewell to Horace Laffaye, a great friend

The internationally recognised polo historian Horace Laffaye has passed away in the United States.

A true eminence of the sport, a lovely human being who was much cherished in the polo community, and a great friend and contributor to PoloLine, Horace, who quit his profession as a surgeon to dedicate his whole life to polo, wrote several books and articles, gave speeches and conferences, and shared his vast knowledge of polo with endless generosity. His U.S. home is a treasure, a true museum of polo, a place where the door was always open.

The loss of his wife, Marta, a few years ago, affected him deeply, but he was always surrounded by his friends and loved ones, who provided him with unconditional support and comfort.

His daughter, Gisele Laffaye Pansze, paid a moving tribute to her beloved father: “A couple of years ago we spent a few days in 25 de Mayo, near the estancia where he grew up. Back then, I knew it would be our last trip to Argentina together. But knowing someone will pass away is different from how it feels when it actually happens. My dad suffered from the devastations of Alzheimer’s Disease, and I suffered and grieved his losses alongside him. He’s at peace now, hopefully having grasped what he’d reached for. And I’m here holding tightly to his love, and the blessings of a lifetime of memories.”

PoloLine deeply mourns our great friend, Horace. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of his family at this sad time. Rest in peace, dearest Horace, and thank you for kindness and generosity! You will be missed!

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