Grand Champions Polo Club and Forever Family: Creating moments of joy for foster children

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (CBS12) — When we tape our Forever Family segments, in addition to helping children and teens find adoptive homes, it is also an opportunity to bring a carefree day full of fun for them; something that they don’t often get to do. That is why our partners at the Grand Champions Polo Club recently invited a group of children to spend a day with them.

Grand Champions Polo Player for the World Polo League Grant Ganzi explains why it is so important for their club to support Forever Family’s mission.

“The Grand Champions Polo Club sponsors Forever Family, and the Grand Champions Polo Club was founded by my parents, it’s my home club, so anything I can do to help gives me a lot of pride,” Ganzi says.

Along with its sister club, Santa Rita Polo Farm, The Grand Champions Polo Club hosts a variety of programs and events where children can connect with nature.

“I think that every kid deserves to have, you know, at least one parent that goes out of their way and helps them with all their dreams, you know? I think it is great to give kids structure, sometimes in life, it is tough to get that.” Ganzi explains. “ To me, in my case, I was obviously very fortunate, I had a great family, but, I think it is important to give kids that don’t have that some other, you know, pathways or having something meaningful.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023 — When we tape our Forever Family segments, in addition to helping children and teens find adoptive homes, it is also an opportunity to bring a carefree day full of fun for them; something that they don’t often get to do. That is why our partners at the Grand Champions Polo Club recently invited a group of children to spend a day with them. (WPEC)

So, they invited our Forever Family Children to have fun and experience something different. What the video to see the joy on these children’s faces.

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