The new rules that are underway in the season in Argentina

The spring season in Argentina is underway, and the Argentine Association of Polo has decided the implementation of new rules both as a whole as well as with regards with the game. Although some of these rules have become effective at the start of the Triple Crown, there are others that won’t be applied in the most coveted trophy in the world, but in other categories.

The summary of the change of rules are as follows: 

-Duration of each chukka:

This is perhaps the most significant of all. In the spring of 2017, it was determined that each chukka would last 6,30 minutes with 30 additional 30 seconds, maximum, after the first bell. Therefore, and right at the start of the spring season, each chukka is due to be played at seven minutes.

-Fair Play:

When the match resumes through Fair Play – meaning when a foul is not awarded and the umpires interrupt the game with a team having the ball and free from every opponent – the team who has the ball will determine whom they start the play with. The news is that before, it was the player who had the ball who resumed the game.

-Defense of a 60-yards penalty:

When a 60-yards penalty is due to be executed, the defense must stay at a distance of 40 yards at least. In order to achieve this, and unlike the 30 40 and 60 yards marked with a circle, a line will be painted on the ground. Since a 30 yards penalty isn’t allowed to be defended, the same criteria has been established with regards to 60-yards penalties and/or corners – defense must stay at 40 yards.

-Yellow card due to accumulation of technical fouls:

A player who commits a second technical foul in a same match, will be shown a yellow card. For the 2023 season, it was established that after a second technical foul commited by the same player, a 30-yards penalty will be awarded, regardless the spot where the player is within the ground. For the 2023 spring season, this rule has been changed and a yellow card will be applied on the second technical foul.

-Cambio de Caballos a mitad de chukker (Not to be applied in the Triple Crown):

In all B category matches, a change of horses will be granted. Each team will have one minute to change horses, and the umpire will be responsible to determine the moment of the change in a neutral play. The minute will begin to run since the moment the last player positioned the furthest from the ponyline will approach midfield.

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