Last league matches on Wednesday & Thursday
16 teams, six who did not qualify for The Argentine Open and the 10 best teams from the Municipalidad de Pilar Cup. The winning team from The Cámara de Diputados Cup will enter a playoff with the eighth ranked team from this year’s Triple Crown once The Argentine Open has been played. The winner of this playoff with be able to compete in the 2025 Triple Crown, so there is a lot at stake in the ongoing Cámara de Diputados Cup.
Last week’s matches saw the following results:
Wednesday 6 November: La Fija Synergy Cloning beat La Matera 10-8; Martindale beat Sol de Agosto La Dolfina 13-12; La Fija Télédou beat La Esquina 13-12 and La Ensenada beat Cría Yatay 12-10
Thursday 7 November: La Irenita Clinova beat Capilla del Señor 18-14; La Natividad beat La Mariana 17-12; La Dolfina beat La Ensenada Los Machitos 16-4 and La Irenita II beat La Varzea Romanza 11-10
The last league matches will be played on Wednesday 13 and Thursday 14 November in Pilar with the Final scheduled for Wednesday 27 November.
Photograph: The Cámara de Diputados Cup is well underway in Pilar. By AAP