By Prakash Bhandari
Swedish Polo art creator Elizabeth Lagercrantz tells PRAKASH BHANDARI that she attempts to capture not only the actions of the player but the...
U.S. Polo Assn. Sponsorship Broadens the Global Brand's Exposure, Both Live and Through Global Broadcasts and Digital Platforms
WELLINGTON, Fla., Feb. 6, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- The 2020 GAUNTLET...
The Necessary Accessory – Luxury Sunshade
Bimini-me was born out of an obsession for a sun-kissed life. Having grown up on the ocean, co-founders Lani...
Argentinian polo legend to help develop world-class equestrian facilities at AMAALA
Global polo star and Ralph Lauren model, Ignacio Figueras, has been named a brand...
Article courtesy of CLICKPOLOUSA.
U.S. Polo Assn. Global Brand Ambassador Henry Porter claimed the first tournament of the American season, which kicked off last weekend...
Story Courtesy of CLICKPOLOUSA.
Both American polo and polo around the world will soon experience a huge and positive change following the creation of Global...