Michael Butler, loyal devotee to the world of polo and famed producer of the musical Hair: The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical, passed away peacefully November...
Taunton Vale Polo Club (TVPC) announced that their long-serving Honorary Secretary, Nick Harrison-Sleap, passed away on Thursday 3 November peacefully in his sleep, “Nick...
The Honorable Michael ButlerNovember 26, 1926 – November 7, 2022
Michael Butler, famed producer of the musical Hair: The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical, passed away...
Polo stalwart and former New Zealand Polo Association president Bruce McKelvie has died.
McKelvie, also known as BJ, died at home on Sunday, aged 68.
Richard Carl “Dick, Remo” Riemenschneider, a respected Loudoun County, Virginia, attorney, avid hunter and lifelong polo player, father, grandfather and friend, died September 23,...
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. & WINDSOR, England, September 9, 2022 (Newswire.com) - U.S. Polo Assn., the official brand of the United States Polo Association (USPA),...