The 2015 Sotogrande season is now well underway with the Land Rover International at Santa María Polo Club. Friday 31 July saw the Dubai team remain unbeaten with another victory over La Indiana 14-8 in Group A of the INDI High Goal Silver Cup.
The Prince of Wales has been branded a “serial hypocrite” after it emerged that the heir to the throne– who prides himself on his green credentials – used a helicopter to fly less than 70 miles in order to attend a polo match.
120 matches in 31 days, 24 teams with players from 14 countries – tomorrow the 44th edition of the Land Rover International Polo Tournament kicks off. The tournament, held at Santa María Polo Club in Sotogrande, Spain, is one of the most important polo competitions in Europe. Until the 29th August, nearly 100 players will fight for victory in the categories high goal, medium goal and low goal.
At the age of 28 years old Edouard Pan is a French polo player that has the chance to practice his job in the most popular places of the world. Passionate of horses, he discovered the polo industry very young, thanks to his family.
Denmark’s most beautiful beach, situated in the town of Hornbæk on the North Sealand coast played host to the first edition of The Scandinavian Beach Polo World Cup. Hornbæk is Denmark’s equivilant to The Hamptons and is home to the most expensive holiday homes in Scandinavia and has been a summer retreat of the jetset for generations.
8 two man teams entered the 3 day tournament with handicaps from 0 – 6 goals. The tournament had been preceded by
Murus Sanctus and Dubai scored wins on the opening day of the high-goal Silver Cup, the first tournament of the 44th International Polo Tournament, at Santa María Polo Club, Sotogrande. They beat La Indiana and Lechuza Caracas, respectively.