North America

Injury Rate for Polo Ponies

Horses used in the game of polo (known as “ponies” although many are full-sized horses) are asked to sprint at top speed, turn sharply, make sudden stops, stay balanced while riders shift their weight far out of center, and even run into other horses to gain an advantageous position. The nature of the game puts both ponies and players in a position to sustain injuries.

Aspen Valley, Grand Champions Polo Clubs Well-Represented At Southeastern Intra-Circuit Tournament

Aspen Valley and Grand Champions Polo Clubs will be well-represented this week in a polo tournament at the Gulf Coast's premier Point Clear Polo Club in Silverhill, Ala.

Outdoor Polo Ball

A polo ball must be within the limits of 3 to 3-1/2 inches in diameter and 3-1/2 to 4-1/2 ounces in weight. A polo ball is usually made of a solid hard plastic. The most common polo balls in use are

Postage Stamp Farm wins 2015 Tackeria Invitational, 9-4 over Audi

On her one year anniversary of her first tournament game, Annabelle Gundlach led her Postage Stamp Farm team (Annabelle Gundlach, Brandon Phillips, Guille Aguero and Leo Mandelbaum) to a 9-4 win over Audi (Santos Bollini, Marc Ganzi, Luis Escobar and Juan Bollini) in the final of the 2015 Tackeria Invitational at the Grand Champions Polo Club Sunday afternoon.

Award-winning polo horse killed in Thermal shooting

An award-winning polo horse was killed in a Thermal pasture after being shot multiple times Wednesday morning, according to its owner.

Polo Team Adeptus/Sycamore Wins 106th USPA Spreckels Cup in support of World Wildlife Fund

The tournament’s underdog, Team Adeptus/Sycamore won the 106th USPA Spreckels Cup at the San Diego Polo Club, which took place on Sunday, September 27

Tackeria Invitational Kicks Off Grand Champions Polo Club Fall Season this Weekend

The much-anticipated fall season at Grand Champions Polo Club gets under way Friday with the Tackeria Invitational.

Cancer in Horses- What to look for

What to look for, types, and how to prevent.

Celebration to remember the life of a lost polo star killed in a crash

Family and friends of Will Tankard will be celebrating his life at the Aiken Polo Club Saturday, Oct. 3rd at 2 p.m.. Will, 3 of his horses and his dog were killed in a crash in Ohio in late July.

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