Polo is a physically demanding sport for riders and horses alike, especially at the professional level. One California-based company offers a unique and powerful solution for alleviating pain in horses.
Headquartered in San Diego, LifeWave is a health technology firm that has developed a patented, non-transdermal patch technology. One such patch is called AcuLife, and provides safe and natural pain relief for horses.
How exactly does it work? Much like humans, horses have various pressure points throughout their bodies. AcuLife gently stimulates these points on the skin, improving the body’s energy flow to naturally relieve aches and pains. It’s also important to note that no drugs, stimulants, magnets or needles are used or enter the body during this process. And no prescription is necessary.
Black Eagles and Gaucho win a game each
The Arena Gold Cup is underway at The Royal County of Berkshire Polo Club with the first two games completed on Saturday 21 February.
Horses traveling through the new, state-of-the-art animal handling facility coming to JFK Airport in New York will have access to day-lit stalls, 24-hour veterinary care, and a departures lounge—because who doesn’t appreciate a plush couch and some Scotch on the rocks before takeoff?
The opening round of play in the 2015 C. V. Whitney Cup got underway on Friday morning at the International Polo Club with four 26-goal games fielding all eight teams in this year’s competition.
The painstakingly painted and blinged out polo pony positioned along the busiest hallway at the Ritz-Carlton in Rancho Mirage begs for attention.
It's decked in glitter, pearls and shiny rhinestones. The polo player is wearing an open tuxedo tie. It's a fitting addition to the elegant resort.
Coca-Cola (Gillian Johnston, Sugar Erskine, Julio Arellano and Mason Wroe) and Valiente (Tommy Beresford, Peke Gonzalez, Santi Torres and Sapo Caset) won their 2015 20-goalYlvisaker Cup semifinal games on Wednesday afternoon at the International Polo Club and will be facing one another in this Sunday’s 3pm finals.
FARMINGTON, Conn. (WTNH) — The Farmington Polo Club is currently home to about a half a dozen horses. Neighbors say the club used to board, groom, feed, and take care of the animals, but police have now arrested the current owner, Claude Brouillard, for cruelty to an animal.
On February 25, 2014, Carlos Gracida raced down the field at the Everglades Polo Club atop a powerful thoroughbred pony. After decades of being among the best to play the game, having already won every major prize and tournament multiple times in his long career, the 53-year-old had nothing left to prove -- certainly not in the midlevel tournament he was participating in that day, the Freebooters Classic 14.