Polo News

Nic Roldan Concludes 2016 UK High Goal Season

On the field, professional 8-goal polo player Nic Roldan is a force to be reckoned with, and he did not slow down for one...

Sotogrande Excitement Continues

Gold Cups at Santa María Polo Club Although the Olympics have come to an end in Rio, the British success continues at Santa María Polo...

A Royal Party at the Polo Club

The Maharaja of Jaipur and his Royal Jaipur Polo Team Visit Santa Barbara

Aug. 27th Fiesta @ Garlic Cup!

On August 26-28 will be South bay Polo's famous Garlic Cup Tournament!

Brunei recovers with a solid victory

Brunei solidly defeated Dos Lunas A&G Banca Privada by 16-10, in a great recovery after losing on their debut on the Cartier Gold Cup.

Scotland Claim Whitbread Trophy

HPA Youth Polo Continues


The Gulfstream Pacific Coast Open has begun, creating a fiercely competitive atmosphere on the polo field this past weekend.

The first matches have been announced!

From 28 August to 4 September 2016 the XI FIP European Championship will be held in Berlin.

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