An amazing game on an amazing afternoon. Postage Stamp farm defeats Beluga in the last minute. Joao Paulo Ganon had an amazing afternoon receiving BPP for his 6th chukker horse Yupanqui and MVP for scoring the most goals of the day with 7.
This weekend, Kate Middleton was notably absent from the Maserati Royal Charity Polo Trophy Match and Royal insiders hint that the Duchess of Cambridge skipped the event because she can’t stand Prince Willam’s cousin Zara Phillips.
Airstream (Ben Lynch, Matias Magrini, Kris Kampsen and Guille Aguero) scored the first goal of the game, but it was all White Birch (Santino Magrini, Hilario Ulloa, Mariano Aguerre and Peter Brant) from then on.